
Responses from curryma

Service for Platinum Audio Speakers
BlBloom - I spoke too soon. Jim at tfta has located the drivers. Still some complications but I'm closer. Thanks. 
Service for Platinum Audio Speakers
Thanks BlBloom. I called tftm. They were very helpful. Unfortunately, their lead did not pan out so I'm still searching. 
Copy CD
I have a Philips 765 CD dual-deck CD recorder (xmas present for wife). It doesn't sound very impressive as a CD player, but I have never been able to tell the difference between a digital copy made with the machine and the original disc (I use the... 
DAC or new CD?
I'm assuming your NAD has a digital out. I would recommend an MSB link DAC ($349), a Monarchy DIP jitter reducer ($200)and a Canare Digiflex Gold digital cable purchased from Charlie Sprague (about $35). That will set you back about $600 and it wi... 
Any Decent Multiple CD Players?
I've heard good things about the Parasound CDC-1500 (I think). It retails for $650, is supposedly built like a tank, and has a coax digital out so you can use it with a decent DAC. There's a demo unit unit on the site for $500 from Accutronics. Al... 
advice on adding dac to old cd ?
Have you upgraded yet? If not, go to and order one of their $395 DACs. It comes with a 30 day return option so you really have no risk. If you have a 10 year old CD player, I would be shocked if you did not here a significant impro... 
What is S/PDIF Connection
Regarding the jitter filter - Fotopres is off base on this one. But first let me answer your question: S/PDIF stands for Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format. As Fotopres said, this is the digital output from your transport that goes into your DA... 
What type of digital cable is best? XLR or optical
Optical connections are inferior to coax (RCA) or balanced connections. I recently added an outboard DAC to my system (MSB Link). I have 2 CD players - one with a Toslink (a Sony - I know, I'm embarassed) and the other with a coax digital out (a P...