
Responses from cturnem

impedance match of preamp and main amp.
Thanks,Georgelofi. I believe what you are saying, but am not sure I want to make the VK 51se non stock( due to resale value) I am running a Classe CA 400 with the Bat. I think it is 70k input impedance. I am running B&W 800D speakers. I have n... 
impedance match of preamp and main amp.
Thanks for all your help. I think I will look for an amp that matches my preamp. Maybe one of the BAT amps. 
impedance match of preamp and main amp.
Thanks guys for all your responses. This helps out A lot. 
Can anyone recommend a good balanced phono cable
Thanks guys for all your help. BigBucks, I will certainly check on the wiring schematic before I purchase.