
Responses from ctran60

Help: why the speaker sound is so low?
Yi, It's called breakin-in, don't worry. Give the speakers about a hundred hour or so and they'll bloom. If nothing happens after the break-in, then take two aspirins and call the manufacturer. Hope this help. 
300B vs. KT88 SET?
300B may be expensive, but they last much much longer than KT-88. It depends on your taste. If you like dynamic and power go for KT-88. If you want musicality and refinement go for 300B. I had 300B based system for 3 yrs then change to KT-88. Afte... 
Power Cords for VAC 140/140 or 70/70 tube amps
I use the Virtual dynamics power 3. It a cheap power cord ($65) but it's much better than the stock cord that comes with it. 
I've lived with my Mini-Utopia for the last two years and loved them every minute for the last 1 1/2 years (break-in period is 6 months). I drive them with VAC Rennaissance 30-30 and Airtight preamp. I don't know about the micro but the mini has g...