
Responses from crapsmash

Audiologic owner's...
Having just had my 24MXL repaired (a transformer went) I gather that the balanced input is a bit of a trick one and isn't actually truly balanced! 
Half size Transports? CAL, THETA,Who else makes?
Audio Note transports are about same width as CAL Alpha DAC maybe CDT Zero would be within your budget. 
Which pre-amp?
The Music First (I use one) will pretty much add nothing and take nothing away. What you will hear will be the amp/ CD. It won't add warmth or whatever.When I was selling my CJ Pv-10 I was demoing it to the buyer. I remember thinking, hey this sou... 
Cal Alpha upgrade
Well the deed has been done! An AL 24MXL has safely crossed the big pond and will shortly be replacing the Alpha. Must say there's a bit of trepidation at not wanting to lose what I love about the Alpha, but based on the experiences of those who h... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Here's a real wild one! Any Syrah/ Chardonnay owners in UK ??? 
Help Smoke rising from 300B amp
Hi,Have to agree with Bora, sounds like the rectifier. I've got Silver Night PSE mono's and I've had the rectifier go. Not a big job to have repaired. Recently had a tube failure which blew up a few bits inside when my GF switched one on. Anyway n...