

Responses from clarkie

Direct drive/rim drive/idler drive vs. belt drive?
Mark: I am no expert but my experience is that the heavier the platter on the belt drive T/T the more likely we are to have less variations in speed. I owned a Michell Gyrodek for some years and always knew that its speed stability was marginal. I... 
Direct drive/rim drive/idler drive vs. belt drive?
I would just like to add my five-penneth. Aren't the idler wheel and belt drive systems completely differing technologies/sciences? On the one hand (Belt) you have a large mass in rotation, a motor that only really pushes when the platter slows, a... 
Tube Preamps under $10k with deep bass extension
Aren't we talking first about small signal tubes that can get down to 20 Hz. When you have found the 'perfect' tubes I'm sure that there are a number of good tube pre-amps that can take advantage of this. A question crosses my mind...why would you... 
Amp Hum
How about throwing the amp away and buying a decent one?