
Responses from ciaran

Mark Levinson No.512 CD Player---Opinions
I hope it's more reliable than the 390S. I had two of them, both horribly problematic.But I did like the sound when they worked!!$15k seems a crazy price for a front end, but then again Levinson must know their market. Paradoxically I suppose it w... 
Original vs. upgraded Mark Levinson 390s
HiI think you will find that the most common reason is the residual values. Easier to sell on. Also a lot of the upgrades do not have the 390s faceplate. A very expensive cosmetic change relatively speaking. 
Which Is Better: Esoteric DV50s or Levinson 390s?
Have not heard the others but I own the 390S. Great machine in an understated sort of way. Superb timing and smooth midrange with awesome 3D depth when partnered with a good preamp.Great to look at and better built than a Volvo. 
Mark Levinson preamp no. 38 vs 38s vs 380 vs 380s
HiI am using a 380s with a Bel Canto eVo2 power amp and a 390s front end. I find the sound a bit sterile and the midrange recessed and boring. Would a Lev 334 for instance improve matters? Cables are Madrigal CZ-Gel with QED spk wire.Much apprecia...