
Responses from chuck_tamu

DAC/Pre-Amp Advice
Hey all wanted to provide an update!   I readjusted my speakers to be a bit farther from the wall, and toed them out a bit more. I think they were just angled in a bit too much. I also removed the foam plugs in the reflex ports on the back of th... 
DAC/Pre-Amp Advice
@soix @toro3  I'm going to just go DAC and subs. The preamp before the integrated probably is not a road I will go down, as there could be a lot of negative aspects.    Thank you all for you help on this. I've boiled it down to the 3-4 DAC's al... 
DAC/Pre-Amp Advice
@toro3  I appreciate you chiming in with your experience with the NAD. The unit itself has everything I want, there is no question about that. The price given what it has is also pretty impressive if I'm being honest. It seems like the QC on the ... 
DAC/Pre-Amp Advice
Alright guys, might have had a bit of a breakthrough, so let me know if this is something you guys know of and recommend, or if I'm off my rocker. I'm willing to make the concession initially of my phono stage not having DSP, but I could always a... 
DAC/Pre-Amp Advice
@soix I can easily bring them out from the wall a bit more, but getting them closer is going to be difficult because my TV console is what is separating them. I'll see what I can do when I get home from work. @daledeee1  Currently running WIFI, ... 
DAC/Pre-Amp Advice
The speakers are approximately 8 feet apart, and are spaced 1 foot from the front wall. There's about 2-2.5 feet between the speakers and the side walls. If RC isn't going to be an option at this time, I understand. I still think upgrading the DA... 
DAC/Pre-Amp Advice
@soix  The reason I wanted room correction stemmed from when I was auditioning different amps for my system. I went by a store that had an M33 set up with room correction, and they did an A/B listening experience, and it was one of the more mind ... 
DAC/Pre-Amp Advice
@vthokie83  I have the Node 130. I was going to ask if using the USB 2.0 port would have been the best connection to the DAC.   @audioman58  I appreciate the recommendation, I'm adding it to the list!  
DAC/Pre-Amp Advice
@soix  I had planned on getting two subwoofers, and SVS was at the top of my list due to the ability to control crossover and everything from an app. I have been very impressed in listening to the clarity and punchiness from SVS subs for the mone...