
Responses from chas68

Is Krell 400xi enough to power Revel Studios?
I biamp my studios with krell kav2250's, and its plenty of power. 
What speakers have best bass for hip hop, and rock
I was thinking of trying my revel studios in the basement just to see what the difference in effect, bass, soundstage would be. My room now is my den, very open , and lots of windows, no kind of treatments. I wonder the difference, though the base... 
What speakers have best bass for hip hop, and rock
I'm still checking out all the responses. Thanks everyone for taking the time. 
What speakers have best bass for hip hop, and rock
This is very interesting, I have to check out the subs, and also legacy. The Atc is a new idea. Are they widely available here? Do you need a sub with them? 
What speakers have best bass for hip hop, and rock
I also like some jazz, rock,county, R&B, and alternative. but I really like music that makes you want to boogie, guess you'd say. 
What speakers have best bass for hip hop, and rock
I can see that I have quite a bit of homework to do. I was also thinking of looking into a Dac to improve what I am putting into my studios. That is a whole other world I am trying to learn about. I want to thank everyone for sharing their experti... 
What speakers have best bass for hip hop, and rock
The price is fantastic. Are there many dealers where they can be auditioned?