
Responses from chalitr

Can we fit Dunlavy SC-VI in a samller room?
Thank for Rives and Rcprince for very strong recommendation. Look like I need to give up this idea.However, for the EQ and room correction equipment, I really interesting in this. Rives, would you mind that I write you the email asking about this ... 
Can we fit Dunlavy SC-VI in a samller room?
Thank for the comment especially Rives. The reason that I think to move on due to I saw a good deal on the SC VI. I was thinking that putting that speaker for this small room for a while (don't know when?) before moving to the other bigger room in... 
Vienna Mahler and Dunlavy SCIV/A comparison
Thank for the comment. i'm not committed to buy the speaker yet but just interesting. Today, I will go to the dealer show room to listen to them again when they set up properly (last time I met Mahler is in the show event). Both speaker are great ... 
Vienna Mahler and Dunlavy SCIV/A comparison
Hi Raquel,Thank for the input provide to me. I have room size 13 ft*20 ft with 9 ft ceiling height. So, it look like a little small for this speaker. My Dunlavy has been setting on the long wall so I don't have any problem on the base boom. I have... 
Preamp match with the Rowland 2
Hi Zbub,The price for Preamp that I asked is 2KUS$. For the XLR, I plan to do the same thing like you. Not sure there have any siginficant improvement or so so.. 
Need help to find Solid State Amp for Dunlavy SCIV
Currently, I used IV and my amp is Rowland2. My room is almost the same size like you. In my opnion, Rowland do a good job in overall performance including the bass. However, I don't quite sure how much bass you want since you play some A/V. If yo... 
Pass Alep2
Thank for the advice. Base on my speaker and my listening preference, Alep 2 would be my choice. I have no doubt about the post that you mentioned on Pass lab use Alep2 to compare all product. Just been pushed by the price and the age of X250.Than... 
Pass Alep2
I almost get to the decision point already until tonite I saw the ad. to sell Pass X250 with price 2,500$. I don't have experience with Pass X series before but like to mate them with my Alpe P. Want to have the last opinion from all of your guy c... 
Pass Alep2
Again, thank for the good comment here. I just have one question in mind, since the amp is running very hot. If I have to purchase the unit that probably produced in year 97, do you think that they might have some parts degarde that effect to the ... 
Pass Alep2
Thank for the comment above especially Condoe. Of course, I' the owner of Pass 3 and Pass 5 with both Pass preamp L and P. The Alep5 is sound not good as Alep3. However,I use qite a big speaker (Dunlavy IV/A) so I require more power and Alep5 is m... 
Recommend CD player
Hi all guys,Thank for all comment and recommendation that all of your guy pressing on here. The only problem about North Star is we don't have this brand selling in my country (Thailand). (Perhap I should get some WWW address and get order from th... 
Pre amp that match to Pass Alep 5
Thanks Jeffrey. 
Pre amp that match to Pass Alep 5
Hi Jeffrey,May be I misunderstand in something. You said that both X preamp are greater clarity and detail than Aleph P. Did you listen them with Aleph Amp?Many thanks for all comment and suggestion. 
Set up Dunlavy SCIV's
Hello Piezo,I just have a chance to try the long wall set up on last weekened. The result is so impressive comapre to short wall set up. I set the speaker around 10 ft aparts and 3.5 ft from back wall. I couldn't belived is sound very good. My wif... 
Set up Dunlavy SCIV's
Hello Piezo,Thank for your suggestion. I will try that on this weekend and response back if thing go right. I still belived that the speaker need to put far apart than usual. My previous speaker is Thiel 1.5 and I can set it only 1.8 - 1.9 metres ...