
Responses from cawgijoe

Thiel SCS3
I know this is an old thread, but I'd like to update my part of it. I still own the Thiel CS1.6 mains and am now using an SCS3 as center channel. It blends beautifully and sounds fantastic. I am curious though about whether the SCS4 would make thi... 
DAC Question
I have the 205.2 DAC and am running a Denon DCD-1500II via digital coax out to it and also a Sony CDP-339ES via Toslink out to it. Both these cd players sound very good on their own, but the Entech 205.2 DAC gives both players a bigger soundstage,... 
Thiel SCS3
I have Thiel CS1.6's and am using Old Paradigm Atom's as surrounds and an Infinity Interlude 25 center channel speaker. I also have an Atlantic Technology THX subwoofer.Quite a mis-mash and most people would say what the heck are you doing. Howeve... 
Thiel 1.6 vs. 2.4 vs. 3.6 using NAD c372
I own the 1.6's and am extremely happy with them. Their midrange and highs are excellent and very detailed. The bass is tight and accurate, but does not extend into the low end. I do have a subwoofer integrated into my system and have been able to...