
Responses from caudio2011

Anyone using Squeezebox server on Mac OS X?
Sufentanil, for a follow up. I attempted to connect as a Guest & was unable to see the ext. hard drive as an option, but then connecting as a register user I was. On the IBook, the ext. drive does not show up under the Shared column to the far... 
Anyone using Squeezebox server on Mac OS X?
Sufentanil, I think I got it now. I did try last night seeing if I could select the ext. hard drive attached to the mini, but I was unable too. I went into the Sharing from System Preferences on the mini & selected Personal File Sharing box (B... 
Anyone using Squeezebox server on Mac OS X?
Sufentanil, For clarification. What you are saying is to physically attach the external drive to the lap top for ripping purposes and then after ripping reattach the external drive to the mac mini? 
Anyone using Squeezebox server on Mac OS X?
I'd like to use my older g4 mac mini 1.25GHz as a music server (running Squeezebox server) on my home network. The mini will be installed in the router room and not in the listening areas. I'll use a couple of Squeezebox Touches & a Squeezebox...