
Responses from carbonfiberone

Phono cartridge left / right output voltage differ
First I'd like to thank all of you for help in making a decision on what to do.All your comments have been appreciated. I finally got something I could sink my teeth in after being told that the difference between the channels would be somewhere a... 
Phono cartridge left / right output voltage differ
Sorry I didn't mention that this reading is straight off the spec sheet that came with the cartridge.My last DL-S1 spec sheet read .15 mv for both channels.So I expected this new one to have the same output in both channels too.Not sure if there w... 
VPI JMW 12.7 Spindle/pivot distance
XupakabrasI also saw the Wallytractor add with the stated 302 mm for the spindle to pivot length. I have had a mint protractor made for my JMW 12 tonearm and made my own measurements.I measured exactly 298 mm for the spindle to pivot.From the info...