
Responses from captainobvious

Component racks
If you mean affecting as in 'an object in the room', then there may be some merit as everything in a room will reflect sound to a degree. But if you're meaning that vibrations in the rack are traveling through your solid state preamp/reciever and ... 
Component racks
I'd buy whatever looks good to your eye and matches your listening room. Make sure its solid and can support the weight of the gear you want to use. A rack should not have any effect on the sonic performance of your audio system whatsoever. If you... 
HT Preamps with GOOD 2 channel sound?
Hmmm. Havent found any SP1.7's in searches. What do you all think of the Anthem AVM20/30, Sunfire Theater Grand III and the Rotel RSP-1098, 1068? All can be had for comparable pricesWhich would provide the best 2 channel sound? 
HT Preamps with GOOD 2 channel sound?
Mceljo:I am in the process of building a pair of 3-way towers that are being actively crossed over via a Behringer DCX-2496. This connects to 6 seperate channels of amplification. I currently have a Parasound PHP850 but since Ive ordered a project...