
Responses from brooklynaudio

Heard of Soltanus Acoustics ESL Virtuoso ?
Hi Doug Not sure what our next show will be , most likely Munich . After that we will look for one for early Fall perhaps in the USA. You can also reach me via my website or Soltanus' . 
Heard of Soltanus Acoustics ESL Virtuoso ?
Hello Doug Will you be attending the Montreal Show in March? We plan on it being our first show outside of our small one back in the summer. 
Heard of Soltanus Acoustics ESL Virtuoso ?
How can this be a crossover-less design and incorporate a tweeter bias function? The panels are acoustically balanced to match each other, plus the audio transformer with it's RLC characteristic is making separation in frequency range in interacti... 
Heard of Soltanus Acoustics ESL Virtuoso ?
Just trying to get the name out and let people know about a great sounding electrostat. I used to own and sell Quad's but since the IAG move to China getting them is very difficult. The Virtuoso's will be on display at the 2015 Montreal HiFi show. 
Alon vs Nola bass
Hello I use the Viper Signatures with the deHavilland Aries G - 30 watt SET amps. For the longest time I felt the bass to be loose but after several moves and tweeks the speakers are now wonderful with a tight well defined bass. Just keep moving t... 
Micro Mega Stage 1,2 or 3 owners HELP ME
Hello Warren I used to sell Micromega cd players but there was a reliability issue . They did sound very good , were well made , looked nice and the end user could upgrade the players to the next level using only a screw driver to open the case. A... 
Tonearm/cartridge sugestions for an Oracle Delphi?
Hello I have just replaced a customers Mission tonearm on an early Delphi AC with a Rega RB250. This is a very inexpensive tonearm that can be upgraded when needed with the Origin Live Structural mod and wiring. The Rega line of arms are the mos... 
How old is this turntable? Oracle Delphi Mk -1
Hello Here is a break down on the Oracle line up:Delphi AC year 1979/1981 serial number: 1001-2499 MKI year 1980/1984 serial number: 2500-6798 MKII year 1984/1987 serial number: 6799-8134 MKIII year 1987/1989 serial number: 8135-9044 MKIV year 19... 
Used Oracle - Help setting up
Hello If you wanted to send me the serial number of your table I could tell you what vintage it is as you can not tell by looking at the pillars as someone may have upgraded the table. The most important thing to remember is to make sure that the... 
Should I stick to the same manufaturer?
I would look at the simplest and least expensive items first such as the cd player and cables and ask yourself how much you want to spend and what is it about your system's sound that you would like to change ? The Acoustic Zen Line of cables are ... 
Getting started on vinly - new/used setup for 500
The most reliable table on the market also has the best arm below $500 on it and you can find used or demo Rega P2's and P3's between $275 for a used P2 in perfect shape and $600 for a demo P3 2000 in mint condition. The Rega tables have been made... 
Is gear cheaper in Canada?
Hello Depending on what you are looking at many items are cheaper. Most US made products are not but all Canadian and many European item are with the strength of your dollar. We ship many items to US customers . 
Best Power Conditioner under $1,000?
If you get a chance listen to the Blue Circle power conditioners. The BC83.1 has 6 outlets and one filter for each pair of outlets and retails at $490 , the BC85.1 uses double filtering on each pair of outlets and uses Hubbell Hospital grade outle...