
Responses from britcanuck

Upgrading HT Receiver and Speakers
Thanks for all of your responses guys. Sounds like the Arcam will be the way to go.Unfortunately I will have to wait a while longer to do some upgrading since my dog just had a back operation. It was hard justifying a new system vs saving the dogs... 
Upgrading HT Receiver and Speakers
Thanks for all of your responses. Sounds like the Arcam is the way to go, even a lower model such as the 250? The Rel sub was also almost twice the price of the HSU.Totem's Model 1's are quite expensive I think (and worth every penny probably), bu... 
Upgrading HT Receiver and Speakers
Thanks for your response Markphd, and I feel a little more comfortable, however,I think your answer to my question 4 has me quite worried now. This is a fair chunk of change for me to drop on a system that isn't going to perform the way it should ...