Responses from bigo2121
How long should high quality speakers last? I have Kef 107.2 That I bought in 1990. i had them totally rebuilt 2015 sound as good as they did new. Refurb took almost a year. | |
The best opening act you've ever seen & heard? Fleetwood Mac opened for Ozzy Osborn 70 or 71? Bayfront Center St Pete Fla | |
Schiit - shipments stopped? I ordered VIDAR amplifier on 1/7/20.I received it on Monday 1/11/20.Last year I ordered a Freya and it took about 4 weeks because of back orders.I am very happy with all of my Schitt purchases, and there customer service. All my inquiries were ans... | |
Schiit order issue - anyone receiving shipments? I ordered a Vidar Amp.when I ordered they were back order until 1/17.recived email today from fedex there delivering it Monday 1/11.I did spec two day shipping. | |
Morrow Audio special audiogon coupon code Admin May I have code for Morrow cables, please. |