
Responses from beau11

VTL Stereo 50
I am the person who mentioned the 807`s, I just recieved the VTL Stereo 50 this evening and what a beautiful restoration. Its Looks better than one that just came off the factory floor by at least 50%. I can`t believe my eyes. Even the pic`s on th... 
VTL Stereo 50
I have read in some blogs that the original tubes are the 807`s? Yours Truly Ernest 
Harbeth C7 vs Proac D25 Review
I am a novice in most areas of audiophilia having only come to the hobby 10 or so years ago. Having read the responses I have picked up some info on B&W speakers which I own and appreciate more and more on a daily basis . I think the gentleman... 
Damping Top of CDP
I dampend my Arcam9 on the inside cover with a product called" BrownBread", this has dampening sticky side for attachment and aluminum on the other for heat absortion. it is a British prouduct and can be ordered from any dealer that sells any engl... 
Legacy Victoria or Paradigm S4
Either one are great stand mounts.They both are relatively sensitive with the Legacy ahead in terms of using tubes or solid state.Your amp will be able to drive both to satisfying levels, both speakers are getting good reviews also. The Paradigm w...