
Responses from bchristmas

Huntsville Alabama
I have learned to appreciate classical music from my wife and daughter, both of them play. I also enjoy jazz and some of the classic rock groups Led Z, Jimi, Santana etc...So what kind of gear do they offer at Audio Insights? 
Huntsville Alabama
Sounds good.See you there.Bernard 
Huntsville Alabama
The food court at Madison Mall is fine for me, we could meet at the Subway since we don't know what each other looks like, say 12 noon.Bernard 
Huntsville Alabama
Hey Bill,Glad to see you chime in, I just sent a request to Stephen who I believe is in Huntsville, so maybe we can get a gathering together soon.I am into DIY myself, the main stream audio gear is way to expensive, right now I use a modified Sony... 
Huntsville Alabama
Hey Stephen,I would be willing to meet up on a Saturday. Shoot me an email bchristmas756@gmail.comBest regards,Bernard 
Huntsville Alabama
Hey Stephen,That would be nice to just meet up for the sake of music, what are your thoughts?Maybe sometime in February?Bernard 
Huntsville Alabama
Did you locate anyone in the requested area? I just moved to Huntsville, and was wondering if there are any audiophiles.Bernard 
ARC sp10 joy and concern...
Hi Dave, where did you purchase your Kithara speakers and are you happy with them?ThanksBernard