
Responses from backtoanalog

Tonearm buzzing question
Hey man I am having the same problem with my NAD 533. Although my ground wire has always been connected...Also there is a slight high frequency buzz when I'm not touching the tonearm that is intrusive over the music at loud volumes. Let me know wh... 
What do you think of the new "Simply Vinyl" albums
I've had good luck 
Who has the oldest speakers?
My friend's dad has some huge floor standing Infinitys that he says are from the early-mid 70's. He's had them since new and they've always been his mains. I can see (hear) why...they are amazing. 
How do you get past the pops and hiss of LPs?
Allow me to draw a metaphor of sorts. As a recording engineer and vintage studio gear enthusiast, I find tape hiss to be a relatively small price to pay for the benefits of a great 4,8,16 track machine. Listen to the drums on the White Album and y... 
5 best underrated or unknown bands and why?
Ironically, before I even read the responses, both Can and the Residents immediately came to mind. I'd have to add Olivia Tremor Control (Athens/Elephant 6), the Features (, and countless others. As far as Lambchop goes, if you... 
Which artists do you just not get?
To answer your question, I never "got" Blur or Oasis. I don't really understand the whole electroclash thing i.e. Massive Attack. Most singer-songwriters drive me up a wall, with the exception of Elliot Smith and Jeff Tweedy. I hope this is impers... 
Vinyl manufacturers don't stand behind product?
I don't think its the manufacturers, guys, but the distributors. The local vinyl dealer and I are very good friends and he has told me that absolutely, positively, the vinyl distributors do not take anything back under any circumstances. In fact, ... 
Uncle Tupelo Reissues?
I'm a vinyl only listener, so all I can compare is some of the old "7's I have and the new "greatest hits" or whatever released last year. I don't have any of the original releases on LP. Anyway, the new remastered "greatest hits" thing sounds goo...