
Responses from aymal

Comparing the Dynaudio C1 and the C3
That's very interesting that your dealer said that Raquel, as the vast majority of people who've heard them think the opposite, that they are extremely smooth and without the forwardness of older Dynaudio designs... certainly less forward than the... 
Is Odyssey Power amp Stratos better than Krell?
Hang on a second... the reason tubes (in certain topologies) sound lush and smooth is due to the predominantly even-order harmonic distortion they possess... heck, my 300B amp has it in spades.Looking at the Soundstage measurements for the Odyssey... 
Dynaudio C1 or S25?
That's interesting information Tim, thanks for that. Have you had a chance to audition the C2 or C4? What do you think of them in comparison to the C1? How's the imaging/soundstaging, it will be compromised obviously due to the size, but does it s... 
Dynaudio C1 or S25?
A poster named Simple did a review of the C1 a while back where he compared the two. He preferred the C1, but it could be just a case of "new-speaker-titus". Link is below. Technically, the C1 is a better speaker, being time-aligned and all, but i...