
Responses from audiocr381ve

Tidal ickstream outage
Wow. Had to login and say THANK YOU! 
Tweaking the Magnepan 1.7s
Hey Crom, did you get the aluminum version of the 1.7's? I got mine in the aluminum trim (not sure if all of them are aluminum?) ANYWAY, can you explain to me what effect the Mye Stands had on your 1.7s? Wondering if I should take the plunge on th... 
Need help fast - Unbalanced Preamp to Balanced Amp
You guys are great. Really appreciate learning a thing or two every time I have a question. Thanks guys! 
Tweaking the Magnepan 1.7s
I heard the 1.6's side by side with the 1.7's through Ayre equipment. 1.7 beat it in regards to air and clarity. Even to the untrained ear their is a big difference there. 
New Magnepan 1.7 Owner
Well, I'm making progress, but as of now I am missing my Monitor Audio RS6's. I'll start with saying I haven't done any mods to the speakers and that my room is supposedly horrid for the 1.7s. It's VERY hard to get these speakers sounding enjoyabl... 
New Magnepan 1.7 Owner
Thanks for the info guys! I've checked out Audio Asylum and that seems to be the place to be. Review coming soon.