

Responses from atlanticstereo

Lyngdorf MP-50 Alternative
Have you thought of adding the Lyngdorf Audio TDAI-3400 ? If you are open to this idea email me directly: tom at atlantic stereo . Com  
Steinway Lyngdorf Systems & speakers
I am both a Steinway LyngDorf and LyngDorf Audio dealer for the past 3 years and Room Perfect is not plug and play in order to get the most out it. Their are many options and only experience with the Microphone and set-up enable you to get the des... 
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
I wasn't trying to sell SL only making a comment. Yes I am a SL dealer and a SL client. SL is the only audio equipment I will ever own for the rest of my life but like I mentioned. When I post a comment specifically discussing SL and other AV prod... 
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
Ok lets forget about Mcintosh and just say " all audio is subjective for the listener " Personally I feel the finest reproduction of Audio is Steinway Lyngdorf but that's another topic for discussion that I would absolutely love to go toe to toe w... 
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
In response to : " ghasley " [ @atlanticstereoYour post indicates an innocent but erroneous opinion of the role that VC/PE firms serve to a business. My reply to your post below is intended only to provide perspective, not to throw shade your way.... 
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
Don't shoot the Messanger just stating facts - in my experience over the last 25 years in being in the AV industry every time a Private Equity company purchases a product that has been manufactured with Soul and Passion it ceases to have the build... 
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
Easy answer - Macintosh today is owned Lock Stock and Barrel by Private Equity money - if you know anything about companies purchased by PE the end user is buying 100 % Marketing !!!!