
Responses from arthur

Teres, redpoint or galibier turntable
I expected this reaction from some audiophiles. Between ignorance, cynicism, egotism and self-interest, it was inevitable. Still, I welcome the opportunity to answer these blatantly unfair insinuations. First charge..."...The love affair with his ... 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
Dear George et al,My store was on Queen Street East, in "The Beaches". It was there from 1981 to 2001, though there were a few years I did not own it. First it was in "the basement", but from 1999 it was on the second floor, using part of my apart... 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
More of Fremer's insults and lies. Everything he wrote has either no basis in fact, or is another pathetic personal attack. The details: Fremer- "Arthur Salvatore, who is a bitter little man." Salvatore- Fremer, who has never met me, feels compell...