

Responses from anders65

I’m a new owner of the Fusion mk2 XLR. Initial impression is that the sound is well balanced, open and that the cable enable the system to deliver details in the music in a very natural way. All details and transients in the music are more natural... 
Sub placement
I share a similar experience. Tried the "crawling" method trying to find a good placement for the sub according to what I could hear. But I could never find a location for the sub that sounded good in the listening position. This method may work w... 
Amplification: what are the biggest advances of the last 40 years?
I would say that the improvements in manufacturing processes for semiconductors makes it much easier today to develop great amplifiers. Regardless if it is a Class A, Class AB or Class D amplifier.Several advanced spice simulation tools now are av... 
I’m also worried about how much of the harmonics in the music is LOST by the amp?
EMI may well cause secondary and unwanted effects in amplifiers. One source is the speaker cables that are not only information bearers for analog audio signals. They are also RF antennas. The problem is that amplifiers may not have sufficient RF ... 
Pass Labs XA25 vs Benchmark AHB2
They represent two very different designs of solid state amplifiers. The AHB2 is very transparent or neutral I would say. It's specification is hard to beat. Pass Labs on the other hand is more optimized with respect to the musical experience. I l... 
Why do we want to distortions?
Thanks @bruce19 for opening the door to the acoustic aspects of encountering pleasure in music. I'm not an expert in this subject but I can at least give my view. I see the room is an extension of the instrument and one reason is room reflections.... 
Why do we want to distortions?
I have owned a hypex based class D amplifier from Nord Acoustics in UK. I think Nord’s amplifiers gives very good performance for the money. They now have versions using the newer Purify modules. You can specify OP-amp for the input stage. An exam... 
Why do we want to distortions?
Some months ago I listened on wonderful tube amp sound from Engstrom Arne (Swedish highend) as maybe one of my most memorable listening experiences with tube amps. The new Marten Parker speakers where used. But I still think you are right. Tube am... 
Why do we want to distortions?
Thanks atmasphere for clarification about IM. I agree with you that either very much feedback to clean up high order distortions or less than perhaps 10dB or so. There are different types of feedback and I’m referring to traditional "loop" feedbac... 
Why do we want to distortions?
Interesting. A few years ago I made a prototype mosfet amp with adjustable output impedance (or damping factor if you will). By using adjustable current feedback. Damping factor of 20 was preferred with my speakers. I tested with DF 30 down to neg... 
Why do we want to distortions?
Sorry have issues with postings. Very sorry.  I get page error when posting. I will try to sort it out 
Why do we want to distortions?
A very interesting topic. I recently read a paper from Cheever (1989) that's quite interesting. Our aural distortion seem to play a role here. Both from a masking perspective, but also from a musicality and holographic soundstage perspective. I ... 
Why do we want to distortions?
A very interesting topic. I recently read a paper from Cheever (1989) that's quite interesting. Our aural distortion seem to play a role here. Both from a masking perspective, but also from a musicality and holographic soundstage perspective. I ... 
Why do we want to distortions?
A very interesting thread about distortion. It's really a subject that is hard to understand as there are so many aspects also related to our hearing and perception of sound. To me it seems like if we in a playback amplifier add some low order har...