
Responses from amusingcres

Display problem with Lexicon DC-1
Yes, I'll try downloading the manual. Thanks. 
Display problem with Lexicon DC-1
Yes, I turned off the main power switch at the back of the unit and then turn it on, but the display will only lit up to show the diagnostic test and opening display lines and then shut off again. Thanks. 
Help on diagnostic error in Lexicon DC-1 v. 2.1
Sent an email already to Lexicon, but still have yet to receive a reply. Anyway, thanks again for your help. 
Help on diagnostic error in Lexicon DC-1 v. 2.1
Thanks for the suggestion.Tried the reset procedure thrice but was unable to get my unit to display "Extended Diagnostics Select A Test" despite pressing and holding on the required buttons for more or less 3 minutes. How long will I press and hol...