
Responses from alnan

More Questions about Dedicated Circuits
Rick, sounds like you need a new electrician. There is no problem with putting the circuits on one side. There is a "hot" bar your breakers attach to, a set of terminals for the neutral wires, and a set of terminals for the ground wires. The elect... 
Wiring in series or parallel
Wiring in series, take your speaker wire and connect the + side to the red speaker terminal of one speaker, the - to the black terminal on the other speaker. split one of the wires in half, or just use one side, but connect the - of your first spe... 
mcintosh 7270 questions
Having owned many Mac amps, I can tell you there is indeed something wrong with your control knob. It has click points for meter-hold, and regular meter swing. Also, your lights are out on your meters. I have never seen it possible that you could ... 
Classic McIntosh sound?
The "classic McIntosh sound" is as described in the fellows response ahead of mine, but that sound is always associated with their amps that have the auto-formers. Try a MC7200, and you will have a different opinion! That's a direct-coupled amp, a... 
How did you hear about Audiogon?
Audiogon used to advertise it's website in the now defunct Audio magazine, is where I saw it. 
Info needed on ADS L1530 speakers.
Thanks for your response, Jimjenjr. I question the $1250 cost, tho, as I recall these were originally sold for around $2800. That's why I'd like to hear from someone who actually bought them new. To answer you question as to what I think of the L1... 
I need an explanation of "damping factor".
Thanks to all of you for the helpful info.Alan 
Setting my subwoofer cutoff frequency
I have the same sort of situation you have, Steve, although I don't use a receiver. I run a separate line-out signal to the sub(Velodyne 1500R) and can adjust the crossover frequency to suit my taste. The sub is not tied to my main speakers (ADS 1... 
Biamping and subwoofers....
I think your sub would have to go too high to do it by biamping. Here's how I do my system(although someone might have a better way): I biamp my main speakers with an electronic X-over, and run a separate line out signal(which is full range) to my... 
Help, new amp causing "buzzing" in speakers
I've had this same problem with Parasound and Adcom amps, and using a cheater plug(floating the ground) will solve your problem. 
What is your most beautiful component?
Mac gets my vote also! My C39-6 and Mc7200 are gorgeous with the lights off, and not too shabby with them on, either! 
Tweeter for ADS L620's
I own quite a few ADS speakers, and I can tell you ADS is of no help. Contact Cosmophonic Sound in NY, as they now handle all service work for ADS. Contact Tom. Sorry, I don't have their number handy where I can get to it at the moment.