
Responses from almonduck

JM Reynaud Twin Signatures vs. Bliss/Silver
I have a pair of Twin mkII and at the same time, owned the original Trente. I found the Trente be be extended more on both the top and bottom with more air from the tweeter. It was more revealing of your equipment and not as forgiving as the Twins... 
Audio Rack Construction
An inexpensive solution to the isolation washers are rubber O rings I got at a lawn mower shop. They were something like 7 cents a piece. Neoprene and larger flat rubber washers may be better, but it can get expensive when you need 8-12 per shelf. 
Most Engaging Monitor?
Price wise, used JMR Twins are great at around $5-600. I haven't seen any used Dulcets in a while. The Harbeths would be the most expensive as would the classic Rogers LS3/5a. Placement would also be an issue. Sealed cabinet or front ported would ... 
How to connect Phono Stage from vintage receiver
I hooked it as Jea48 suggested and things are great. Less noise and more of my Red Wine integrated coming through. Thank you everyone for all your help. 
How to connect Phono Stage from vintage receiver
Thanks folks. I'll give it a shot from the Tape Outs to the integrated. I had it running through the PRE OUT. I guess that way I'm using the preamp from the Marantz and through the Tape Out I'll be using just the phono section. Is that correct?My ... 
McIntosh C33 image question
I had somewhat similar situation with a MX114. It turned out the volume pot on the preamp wasn't exact at lower volumes and favored one side. Voices seemed shifted to the right. Lowering the gain on the amp and up on the preamp brought things back... 
What were the best and worst rooms at RMAF 2009?
Jaybo, I agree. A "Classic" Room at RMAF would be cool. A local audio society or even Audiogon or Audiokarma members could supply the equipment and time. Maybe small donations could be made, like a tip jar as people enter to help fund the room. A ... 
Klipsch vs. Dynaco A25
I had a chance to hook up the Mac 2505 with the Advents. A fuller sound than the Marantz 2230. I can see why they sold so many of the Advents in the '70s. Bass isn't as tight as my previous VR-2 and there seems to be a slight hole in the midrange,... 
Klipsch vs. Dynaco A25
Last night I was able to pick up a local pair of New Large Advents. Surprisingly, they didn't sound great with my push/pull 60wpc tube amp. The bass was bumpy and not integrated. The midrange was weak. Maybe I should have tried the 4ohm speaker co... 
Klipsch vs. Dynaco A25
Thanks folks. Lots of good info. I didn't know the Klipsch would benefit from extra power to drive the woofer. I'll have to also reread about the Advents and look up the Polk Monitor 10. 
Music for toddlers and parents?
My wife and I found these kids cds enjoyable for us as well: Chic Street Man -- Lullablues Lionel Jean Baptiste -- Ice Cream SongsJoe Reilly -- Children of the EarthLos Lobos with Lalo Guerrero -- Papa's DreamSweet Honey in the Rock has some great...