

Responses from airwatcher

Any piece of equipment you currently dream of ?
Chord DAVE.  
Yup. GIK!  
Which inexpensive speaker cables...
I agree with Canare or Mogami. I use Canare 4S11 in a 20K system and can think of no reason to change.  
Got Innuous, now a DAC
Chord Qutest! In my system it was transformative.  
MissingCDs and records
Agree completely. For me it's roughly a 50/50 mix of streaming and CDs. Whenever I stream something I really like I buy the CD. I also polish the disk once with Rain-X and always give CDs a spin on my old Bedini CD Clarifier before playing. Not su... 
speaker upgrade fever
Nice to see you mention Triangle which I believe are too often overlooked. If you are considering (especially) the 40th Anniversary Duettos I can't imagine you'd not be terribly pleased. I find them balanced, neutral, open, and so holographic that... 
What were your favorite gear additions in 2024?
Triangle Magellan 40th Anniversary Duetto speakers. Fabulous speakers!  
Integrated Amps
Are REL the most Musical Subs?
I'm using two SVS SB2000 Pros and couldn't be happier. Others suggest RELs are more musical, and they may be. However, I've been listening to high and higher-end audio for 50-some years, am a musician (bass player), and am critical as can be when ... 
Anybody have Experience with Alta Audio Alyssa Speaker
I recently auditioned a pair of Alyssas and was greatly impressed. For reference I've been listening to Triangle Signature Thetas with two SVS SB2000 Pro subs. If I could find speakers combining the best of both they would be perfect! The Triangle...