
Responses from acastano

Best Sonos ZP-80 Mod?
Marty,The digital output is variable. The volume control affedts all the outputs. You can check this in the Sonos website forums. One tread claims that this does not degrades sound quality unless you reduce the volume more than, I think, 48dB. It'... 
Sonos DAC
TboooeWhat digital cable are you using?, I’m kind of disappointed by the improvement I get when I connect my ZP-80 to an external DAC. I have used the DAC section of my moded Opus 21 and the top of the line Integra receiver (in my HT room), with r... 
Best Sonos ZP-80 Mod?
Marty,You can still use the Sonos volume when it is connected to an external DAC. I have mine connected to the digital input of a GNSC moded Opus 21 with good results and almost no loss of convenience (the only think you have to do is turn on the ... 
Opus 21 Exousias DB25 Power Umbilical From RSA
I contacted Steve at GNSC, he mentioned that they are developing a more cost efective DB25 for the Opus. No timefrime or expected cost,... I guess we'll have to wait,... 
Opus 21 Exousias DB25 Power Umbilical From RSA
Are there any other cheaper alternatives? $700 seems just too much but I would certainly like to try a cheaper upgrade.