
Responses from ac24

Best amp for Salon 2
Thank you everyone for excellent suggestions. It was a tough call for me. I finally ordered Syphonic Line 40th Anniversary edition a couple of weeks ago. @p59teitel Thanks for confirming as well.   
Best amp for Salon 2
@chayro - Agree. There are some limitations on what the dealer can package but I am considering that option for the same reason you mentioned. @monoblocknova - Thank you for sharing your experience. It helps quite a bit. My only concern with Symp... 
Best amp for Salon 2
@mofojo Agree I will stay clear of the tube amps for now.  @tony1954 - Thanks.        
Best amp for Salon 2
Thank you all. These are some solid recommendations in this thread. I will wait for another day and then pull the trigger based on the recommendations.   
Best amp for Salon 2
Thanks. Also are monoblock always better than stereo all else being equal? The reason I ask is that Anthem has 400 watts / Channel at 8 ohms. It’s hard to find monoblock with similar power without making the budget 5-7 times.