

Responses from absolutlahmi

Logical cartridge upgrade for a long time Shure M44-7 user
Congrats, @nickpish. I have a feeling you will enjoy the upgrade as I did. In terms of budget friendly phono stages, I've heard nothing but good things about the Schiit Mani, performing way above its 'pay grade'.   
Logical cartridge upgrade for a long time Shure M44-7 user
@nickpish As you mentioned, it's nearly impossible to come to a universally accepted definition of descriptors, including 'brightness'. To me VM540ML sounds more detailed, with more information extracted especially in the high registers, and most ... 
Logical cartridge upgrade for a long time Shure M44-7 user
@nickpish - since my post, I went with an AT VM540ML based on the recommendations here. I don't want to sound like a confirmation-biased fanatic, but man.. the improvement has been incredible, even right out of the box. Much clearer details across... 
Logical cartridge upgrade for a long time Shure M44-7 user
Thank you all for your recommendations. @nickpish I'm usually slow moving with pulling the trigger on upgrades etc., so it may be a while. But I do always try to come back to threads to give an update for due diligence. Great to see someone else t... 
Versatile, non-fatiguing speakers for a small room under $1500 used or new: advice needed!
Lots of good suggestions here, but also look into a used pair of Sonus Faber Venere 2.0s. I think they'll check off most if not all of your boxes. Another note, as someone who has had very similar considerations as you over the years: Floorstander... 
Logical cartridge upgrade for a long time Shure M44-7 user
Thank you all for the suggestions, lots of directions to go in. I really appreciate it. @yogiboy I've played around with some JICO replacements for the M44-7. While they will totally pass in a DJ booth setting, at home they fall short, with a dist... 
What have you been working on in 2020?
Parted ways with my legacy B&W + Rotel setup of 15 years to enter the world of seperates with a Schiit Saga+ and Vidar combo. I know it's sacrilegious around here, but I took a chance on a no-name phono preamp made in China with incredible res... 
Good Stereo Speakers for outside use during BBQs, evening pot luck dinners etc
+1 for @mapman ‘s suggestion for Polk Atrium 6’s. I’ve had them outdoors for 5 years, without a problem. I actually enjoy their sound regardless of being an outdoor speaker.I also use a pair of Definitive Technologies AW6500’s as well. Really impr... 
What was your most disappointing album purchase?
Chris Cornell's collaboration album with Timbaland titled "Scream", after what he gifted to this world with Soundgarden, is one of the worst disappointments in my life, music or otherwise.  
Types of speakers to create nightclub style sound?
As someone who dove into a similar challenge a few years ago, I don't have a complete solution but here are a few considerations I learned along the way:- Midrange (and separation thereof) is the most overlooked aspect when trying to emulate the '... 
Are there any Tool fans here?
Lifelong fan here, enough to call them my favorite band of all time. Saw them live 8-9 times, my 10th coming up in a few weeks.It's funny, despite the 'prog rock' label, I always enjoyed Adam Jones' minimalist take on his guitar parts and sounds. ... 
Life after Rotel RX 1052
Coming back to this a little (way) late, but know that it was because I took all the info / advice and went into a deep, dark tunnel for a while to make a decision. This was quite an education for me so thank you all for kickstarting that. During ...