
Responses from 2channeladdicted

connecting mono amps to pre amp
Thank you All!    Have it all connected and working PERFECT!!!  
connecting mono amps to pre amp
Thank You!  Again! 
connecting mono amps to pre amp
Al, one last question, when using only one 8 ohm speaker per amp did I under stand you correctly that I would connect to the 16 ohm spot. Or is that if I used 2 speakers per amp.Thanks again! 
connecting mono amps to pre amp
Thank you Al!!!!!   now it all makes sense!  thank you all for your input. 
connecting mono amps to pre amp
Ok, So according to Al, unless I'm listening to a MONO recording, the 6100 selector switch should be left in the STEREO position even with BOTH 2120's connected.  Thanks Again! 
connecting mono amps to pre amp
Ok, so now that I'm confused as hell........ should the selector switch on the 6100 be left in the stereo position, when using both of the 2120's? or should it be in the "MONO (L+R) position?? 
connecting mono amps to pre amp
i have a question regarding the 6100 mode switch, it says Mono (L+R) as opposed to a true mono that would only play one channel (the same channel) thru both correct?? 
connecting mono amps to pre amp
yes, I actually have two tube amps that are paired up with a mac c 26 that are bi-amping a set of paradigms. sounds really good.  Just looking at some options with the ma 6100 and the two 2120's. as mentioned in my user name I have some other piec... 
connecting mono amps to pre amp
The 2120's in MONO switch in back, and the MA 6100 on the front side that has the mode switch and have it switched to MONO (L+R) 
connecting mono amps to pre amp
So it should be placed in the MONO mode that has MONO(L+R)  Correct?? 
connecting mono amps to pre amp
Thank you all!!! You guys are a plethora of knowledge!  never have had the opportunity to utilize mono application in my younger years,,,,LOL. have a couple of tube amps that I'm using with a mac c26, but using those to bi -amp a set of paradigms ... 
connecting mono amps to pre amp
the two 2120's can be run as mono i believe as stated in the owners manual with using the right channel only and then bridging the common?  last question when bridging the common on the amp you are using for the left channel speaker you would also... 
connecting mono amps to pre amp
so If I under stand this correctly the left out of the 6100 will go to the right on one of the 2120's and the right out will go to the right of the other 2120. then you would bridge the common/negative on the speaker terminals. In addition on the ... 
connecting mono amps to pre amp
I'm trying to connect (2) 2120 power amps and run them as MONO the Ma 6100 has only 1 set of pr amp jacks. and 1 set of power amp jacks, The 2120's have a left and right gain on the front and stated in the manual that if you run the amps as mono t...