
Responses from 24u

Help Totem Forest
Leftyfox,HiI'm using Cardas with the ends soldered. My dealer made them for me. However, I think any good cable will do. Interesting that Totem recommends bi wiring. I can only say that in my situation it is an unnecessary expense. Actinote are go... 
The best CD Player for the money
I haven't read all the posts here so maybe this has been addressed, but does anyone feel that the CEC TL-51XR Integrated CD player is best budget player for your buck? I know CEC makes good transports. I havn't heard this player yet, so I'm just w... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
It's amazing how many different speakers are the best heard. This, I think, shows how variable sound systems (and their owners) are. What I look for in a speaker is its ability to disappear leaving only music. For me, Equation Gaya's have done thi... 
Help Totem Forest
HvuThanks, as my posting above, the cherry wood makes the red rings almost invisible and the negatives are white. Thanks again for the help.I was just wondering what amp your using with your Forests? I'm using a 30W pure class A tube amp and does ... 
Help Totem Forest
Jh2os Thank you. My forests are cherry so the red was difficult to see. As you pointed out, they are not very noticeable. Thanks everyone for the help. 24u 
recomended musical sub for 2 channel audio
How about Rel Britania?http://www.audtek.com/REL%20Britannia.htm 
Replacing Forests???
Jh2osRE: Link for Equations:Audiomat is the NA distributor www.mutine.com/pages/products.html Also UHF Magazine has reviewed the Equation speakers and their reviews can also be found on the Mutine web site. (The company is also known as Mutine) I ... 
Replacing Forests???
HiI own a pair of Forests and have not had any problems, but if I experienced what you did I would not have so patient. Have you heard Equations? The Equation 7's are about the same price as the Forests and, I think, more musical. It is too bad ab... 
Thanks, I do have carpet and a very dry house. I may have to implement a lot of what is written above to get this static under control. I use a Rolling 152 for cleaning surface dust. I think this helps a little, but I will look into the Hunt EDA b... 
Maple platforms
This has been a helpful discussion for me. Thanks. I mentioned some of the above ideas to my audio dealer who said that I might want to compare Symposium Acoustic products. http://www.symposiumusa.com/products.shtml. Has anyone used Symposium plat... 
A simple question from the new guy ....
I just recently added vinyl to my system. For me the improvement in dynamics has made it difficult to listen to CD's. There is a lot more fussing with vinyl, but the sound for me is what I've always wanted. It may interest you that I didn't have g... 
Maple platforms
HiThanks for the responces. Im looking forward to trying the ideas. 24u 
Looking for a soundtrack
Thank you.gemrecords.gemm.com had the copy I wanted and it is on its way. It is a 40 year old copy --1966. Thanks again for your help everyone. 24u 
The song you just cant stop playing???
I second the Loreena McKennitt choice from her CD the Visit and must add:Sharlene Wallace --Beyond the Waves --beautiful harp with deep silky notes that leave you yearning for more.Ray Montford --Shed your skin --A Canadian artist from Toronto Ont... 
Purchasing Music
Rwwear. Thanks that is a good place to start at the end of his artical he states the way life is in the world of LP's: "But I know that no two records sound the same. I know it for a fact. I also know that you can't tell a good record by looking a...