Noblesse Audio Furniture??

This stuff still avaliable? It looks like very nice furniture.

Steve O.
i was looking for it at one time, but could never come up with a dealer. i ended up purchasing a pair of core furniture mod3 racks ( which are very similar in design to the noblesse racks i had my eye on.

a big plus for me with the core racks are they are filled with lead, granite, and iron granules which appears to help with emi rejection. each platform also has a 6mm aluminum-looking damping sheet which also aides in shielded equipment from emi and such from the components below.
Actually Kgturner that was my experience as well. I could not find a dealer that carried the items I wanted.

In addition, Core Furniture packaging... outstanding! Each platform stand is double boxed with form fitting material. The platforms I have are very strong and heavy plus they look like furniture.

Steve here is the site I was trying to find for you:
Thanks everybody for the info. I went to Core Designs website. They seem to have listed prices for everything except what I need: a rack. But I will email them.

Thanks again,

Steve O.