neutrality & transparency: what's the difference ?

neutral and transparency are often considered the same by some hobbyists.

in fact they are not.

neutrality implies no alteration of the signal, whatsoever.
i have used the term "virtually" neutral to imply no audible coloration. of course this is a subjective term.

transparency is a subset of neutrality. it implies a perfectly clear window on the recording.

let me illustrate. suppose an amplifier has a slight deficiency in bass reproduction, e.g., it cannot reproduce any frequencies below 40 hz. that amplifier would not be considered a neutral component.

if said amp reproduced all "information" on a recroding within its range, i.e., above 40 to whatever, without covering up any detail, it would be a transparent device.

thus transparent includes the pssibility of an error, but also implies the passing of all information within the range or capability of the component.

transparency is a subjective term. often when used it means "virtual" transparency because it is possible a component may be hiding information that one is not aware of, but yet one perceives that no information is missing.

any thoughts ?
For the automobile engine analogy, Watts = HP, Volts is analogous to Torque and the amps are analogous to the rpm of the engine. HP=C x Torque x RPM. The analogy is not quite accurate, since HP is actually a rate of work done in electricity the term Watts is the amount of work done and not the rate. At any rate, the analogy doesn't serve any usefull purpose, since not manny people understand the distinction between Torque and HPower and thus only confuses the issue!.
Bob P.,
"At any rate, the analogy doesn't serve any usefull purpose, since not manny people understand the distinction between Torque and HPower and thus only confuses the issue!."

The distinction is actually one of some subtlety requiring experience to discern. Neutrality is a lack of tonal coloration, transparency the absence of distortion that would interfere with the clarity and detail of music. Neutrality is a quality often associated with audio components made in Switzerland and other nonaligned countries, transparency a quality often associated with audio components having parts fabricated from glass. Thorens turntables are neutral; Rega turntables are transparent. Or something like that...