Comment on Apple Lossless

More impressed than ever with Apple Lossless.

Tonight I was going through a carousel player in the basement rec room and discovered one of my old favorites, a rousing San Francisco Symphony recording of La Mere, Ravel's Orchestration of Pictures at an Exhibition, and Bolero that had been passed around in the family and greatly mistreated.

After I cleaned it up I used Itunes (Apple Lossless with error correction) to rip it to the hard drive of my home office computer. The computer spent 30 minutes trying to rip the 16 minute Bolero and never got it right. But the rest of the disk sounds as good as anything else I have on this system. And the CD surface looks like someone used steel wool on it.

I have not used EAC so can't compare but once again, I'm very impressed with the error correction of Itune's Apple Lossless ripper.
Aside from itunes and mediamonkey, there is winamp (for basic uses) AND some people say that is better than itunes.
Hi Jpod,

I'm using Apple Lossless for my Logitech Duet system and it does a great job. All our optical software readers can be affected from damaged discs and even new discs can have surface problems at a microsopic level causing jitter. I have found that using a product called MICROSMOOTH can have beneficial effects on all discs. I even use it on the Blueray and DVD discs I rent from Netflix that were unreadable and terribly scratched. It may even work on your Bolero. It is available from mapleshaderecords dot com. Good Luck and Happy Listening.