Better sound with cable box or Squeezebox Duet?


I'm thinking about buying a Squeezebox Duet to use for PC Radio and was wondering ir it would sound better than the cable box digital music channels I listen to now through a
Audio Mirror DAC.


I don't have your cable box, but I am willing to bet it will sound much better. PC Radio is usually very heavily compressed, low bit rate.
I compared a Comcast cable box playing digital cable radio to an IPod Nano playing 128kps through an DLO dock using in ceiling speakers in a clients home and the IPod blew way the Comcast box. In another clients home, I compared a Sonos ZP100 screaming Rhapsody to the Comcast box, through in ceiling speakers, and again the Comcast box lost.

In a friend’s home, I compared the new Comcast DVR to a modified Squeezebox3 through an outlaw 990 processor, outlaw 5x200 amp and VSR VR4jr's. Again the Comcast box lost. BTW, the squeezebox was playing 128kps internet radio.

Internet radio sounds really bad to me on anything but computer speakers. My Squeezebox, on the other hand, streaming Apple Lossless files to my stereo (I also use a Benchmark DAC-1), sounds as good as my expensive high end CD players. But make sure you are streaming high bitrate music files; MP3 level files won't sound any better than internet radio.