Best Stevie Wonder Album?

Which one, and what memory about it comes back every time you listen to it?

OMG...what choices have we!! I'm unacquainted with Stevie's full opus, but I was in junior high/h.s in the early/mid-70's -- and purchased both "Talking Book" and "Innervisions".

Innervisions was one of the first records I bought when I was young. People often describe their first listen to a favorite record as a form of liberation. For me, Innervisions was an explosion. I played my first copy of that record until I could practically see through it. I memorized every note, every vocal inflection, every bit of phrasing. It is the popular music recording that has most influenced my thinking about music. It took several years for me to encounter music in other genres that influenced me as much.
Well..... I have several that I can mention.

But the BEST EVER Stevie Wonder Album in MY opinion is:

(01). Songs In The Key Of Life (1976).

Strong Second is:

(01). Innervisions (1973).

Third Place is:

(01). Talking Book (1972).

And the Honorable Mentions (and in NO particular order) are:

(01). The Original Musicquarim (1982 -- a collaboration of his best work from the 1970's, plus an introduction to new classics -- namely "That Girl", "Ribbon In The Sky" and "Do I Do").

(02). Hotter Than July (1980).

(03). In Square Circle (1985).

(04). The Woman In Red (1984 -- this showed that Stevie Wonder can also sing a duet. He most of the songs on this soundtrack album to this 1984 movie with Dionne Warrick, which later led to a duet with Whitney Houston on her "I'm Your Baby Tonight" album).

That's pretty much it.....

I got most of these albums on CD (when I started assembling my first audio system in the early 1980's, now, I also have many of these on vinyl as well).

For me, it's Innervisions.

It's true that several of Stevie Wonder's albums are monsters, but Innervisions is a monster among monsters.
