Company loyalty- What has been your favorite?

Thinking about the many different companies, brands and

High end- Krell, Bryston, Ayre, etc
Popular- Pioneer Elite, Sony, Yamaha, Denon, Onkyo, etc
Smaller-(purists) Butler Audio, Odyssey, Red Wine, etc
Good reputation- Marantz, Sunfire, Arcam, McIntosh

Do you have a brand that you are loyal to? If so, please state why you are? Sound? Quality? Service? etc
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I'm a big fan of Tonian as well
I had his TL NFSM monitors and liked them very much
Tony M is a great to deal with on all accounts
Spectral - sound and an uncompromising approach to design. They won't release anything new unless it represents a move forward. They're pushing the state of the art. And they do this without stratospheric prices (compared to others, of course))

Steve McCormack is a great guy to talk to, and he has some great products too.

Thiel, for their innovation, refinement, and their sound.
Nelson Pass - he's produced great designs, and he's a great figure in the diy community

Ipod - just fun, especially with a pair of Grado 125s