Amy Winehouse - Lioness

I must admit that I always dismissed her mostly because of her antics and drug problems, but I after I got this album, I feel quite differently about her. She manages to make even long-standing standards interesting and engaging, and her voice is quite amazing. On some of the songs she sounds strikingly like Ella, and in general exerts an astonishing command of her voice with no effort.

I felt virtually no emotion after her premature demise, aside from the perhaps typical sadness at the news of someone passing so young. However, now I feel we actually lost a great talent that probably never fully bloomed.

If you've been on the fence about Amy Winehouse, get this album; for the low price of under $20 it's a steal. If you're a fan, it's an absolute must.
You are correct. She was truly an amazing artist. I picked up Back to Black the week it was released because I heard a review of it on NPR. My wife and I were floored the first time we played it. The entire album from beginning to end took me back to another place in time. That's the album that launched her career. Her first release 'Frank' is awesome as well. I haven't heard Lioness so I'll pick it up based on your recommendation.

The media can destroy a career. Just based on your comments I can see her fan base could have been much larger had she not been seen staggering all over the place in the tabloids constantly. Now that you know how truly amazing she was as an artist at least you can remember her that way now.
I'm with you. Her passing was the loss of a great voice. Too many just don't know it.