Worst record ever?

I had the misfortune of spotting Sarah Vaughan's "Songs of the Beatles" at my local record store and, intrigued, I bought it since it was only $2. I'm still traumatized a few hours after listening to it; who and why would ever release a record that bad? I love Sarah as a jazz singer but her rendition of the Beatles' songs is absolutely atrocious. I just can't believe someone made a decision to actually release it.
I heard a Styx/Jimmy Buffet collaboration that made me run out and buy Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music.
Golden Throats 1,2,3 are on Amazon if you type in Leonard Nimoy it's part way down the page FWIW.

I found Pat Boones "In a Metal Mood" quite interesting.
Barbara Streisand's classical record was very forgetable...even for $1.00 at Good Will. They wouldn't take it back...even as a donation. My bad.
I once (and only once) heard an FM radio station play a novelty cut that was the tune from Stairway to Heaven and the words from the Gilligan's Island theme song. I seem to remember reading that the station received bomb threats...
Anything by Loverboy. I had a girlfriend in the early 80s who played them over and over. Now if I hear them it makes me want to climb the clock tower with a rifle.