Anyone got and album database for iPhone?

I came home from my favorite used vinyl emporium only to find that I had purchased an album I already owned. It's not the first time its happened and with a thousand or so cds and records its hard to remember what's lying around the house.

A database with which I could track all these records, one that could be dumped into my iPhone, would be really handy. Anyone know of one?
I also have Music Collector by on my desktop and as an app on my iPhone. I highly recommend it. Manually entering your vinyl acquisitions can be a chore but after a while, it almost becomes religion. Having your database with you when shopping has saved me from buying dups on more than one occasion.
Onemalt, could one speed up the data entry process by copying and pasting, or will I have to retype my entire database? I do have good typing skills, but would rather not retype everything if I didn't have to. I might be willing to though, if it meant having it on my phone!

There is an import feature that should allow you bring in your existing Excel spreadsheet. Check out their website for further details as I've never tried it myself.