Last time you felt that "tingling" sensation?

We've all experienced it (and this is in the context of listening to music). Name the song/track/moment when you last got goosebumps listening to music. For bonus points, tell us where you were and what system you were listening to. Here's mine:

Song: "Hotel California" from "When Hell Freezes Over" (live version)
Where: In my listening/living room
On What: Levinson 390S driving Levinson 436 monos into Wilson Sasha's via Transparent cabling
Exact moment: when that kick drum starts slamming in that piece, it was utterly amazing
Eva Cassady coming in on the vocal on "Let the Good Times Roll," with Chuck Brown. Yikes, Placed that bit 30 times in a row. Makes up for a lot of fiddling with gear. John
The orchestration in the middle of "How Many Worlds" by Brian Eno from his 2006 album "Another Day On Earth".
When Joan Sutherland sang Figlio del cielo from Turandot. Just when I thought a person could not sing louder or higher she ups it a notch. She turned it to 11 and blew me away.
I'll take the finale of Mahler 2 any time, by any orchestra/chorus for spine tingling musical experience and a wash of exultation...

Also, Mozart, Laudate Dominum from the Solemn Vespers, Christopher Parkening,

and Loggins & Messina, Pathway to Glory, (from Full Sail)

and Tom Waits, Shiver Me Timbers (from The Heart of Saturday Night)
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