The Bad Plus - where to start?

I heard "The Empire Strikes Backwards" by The Bad Plus on the radio the other day and liked it a lot...but I am not an experienced jazz head, anybody wanna point me to a good album to start with for the Bad Plus?
I'd start with "These Are Vistas". It has 'Flim' and covers of 'Heart of Glass' and 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'.

"Give" and "Suspicious Activity" are also very good.

I would avoid there new release "For All I Care" with the vocalist Wendy Lewis. I consider this more of an ambitious failure...

BTW, definitely try and catch them in concert. I've seen them four times and it's always a great show.
Interesting comment Jazdoc - I just saw the new one at the local CD store and wondered about the whole vocalist thing (didn't pick it up as I already had a bigstack of vinyl in my clutches).

Cool thing I read about the band (if it's true): apparently the pianist is some kind of idiot savant wünderkind who has also somehow remained totally insulated from hearing virtually any popular music growing up, so the drummer and bassist have reveled in working up these covers with this guy who approaches them with no preconceptions whatsoever, and without any real context of tunes like "Smells Like Teen Spirit" or "Heart of Glass".

I have everything but the new one, and they're all very well-recorded IMO. Hearing "Everywhere You Turn" on the local NPR station is what first brought them to my attention - very beautiful song (off of "These Are The Vistas").