Indian Music?

Years ago I listened to Ravi Shankar occasionally and enjoyed a lot of what I heard. The other night I watched an interview Charlie Rose had with a very famous tabla player and his music was superb. I'm thinking that I should explore traditional Indian music a bit further but have little knowledge of the subject. Any suggestions on 2-6 CDs I should check out for starters? I prefer instrumental but would consider vocal as well. Thanks!
PS: If you're suggesting obscure titles, sources would also be appreciated.
1. Anything by the great Nikhil Banerjee (there isn't much, he died young)
2. All of the 'signature series' recordings of Ali Akbar Khan on his own label
3. On Nimbus records, anything by Asad Ali Khan
4. Anything by Z.M. Dagar, the great Rudra Vina player
5. "Midnight" by Pandit Pran Nath
If you can find "Paris Concert" on DVD grab it. Features Shawn Lane (guitar) and Jonas hellborg (bass). Lane absolutely smokes em on guitar in this one.
Interesting music, i've never heard that kind before. Some guys how to make good music, specially when they mix with techno tracks.
For a little crossover Indian (not just with the West, but with Asian too), try "Global Fusion" with Subramaniam on Kanartic violin. Top class players and quite good sound. Nice long tracks that create a compelling vision.
