Bruce at The Super Bowl....

I thought he was great. The song selection, energy and showmanship all first rate. It had a carnival, circus vibe going on. Appropriate for the venue I think.
Cleaneduphippy said:
"What has Springsteen done in the last twenty years that can measure up to Dylan's last three?

Time Out of Mind
Love and Theft
Modern Times

Truth is, one is still an artist, and one has become a "politically correct" rock star, very much attuned to public opinion."

My response:
The Ghost of Tom Joad
The Rising
Working on a Dream

The *truth* is that what you've said and what I'm saying are simply personal *opinions*.

Re the Walmart thing: did you actually hear the full explanation Springsteen gave for how that happened? I ask because it doesn't sound like it. In any case, as far as I know he makes mistakes just like everyone else I've even encountered in life.
What a bunch of wankers!

Bruce did the first public performance with the Seeger Sessions Band at the New Orleans JazzFest the year after Katrina. It was extraordinary -- like a revival meeting for a community that really needed it. His songwriting may not be what it once was, but his power as a performer remains undeniable, and he knows how to use it for the benefit of us all.

By the way, Dylan also played that day and was quite forgettable. And I'm a huge Dylan fan.

Funny how quick many people are to declare that rockers should quit while they're on top, but do you hold jazz greats or classical performers to that same standard? Sonny Rollins is hardly at the top of his game. Should he stop performing?
Do you know how long I have been hearing that Bruce Springsteen is not Bob Dylan? Almost as long as some people have been saying that Bob Dylan is not Bob Dylan. And Cisco Houston is not Woody Guthrie (at least they were friends so people didn't paint them as rivals, which is probably what would happen today). That's OK with me. I wouldn't have it any other way!
I thought Silvio was in a coma and not expected to survive. I was gratified to see him.
The Superbowl is one fat slice of Americana. This is an event where the world is watching and allows an opportunity to display our American spirit. I thought it was an exceptionally well done event. The opening was quite moving with great performances by Faith Hill and Jennifer Hudson. The salute to our troops and the introduction onto the the field of US Airways Flight 1549 flight crew evoked a tremendous sense of pride in my fellow Americans.

I thought that Bruce's appearance was just the icing on the cake. Criticism aside, he's supplied the sound track to many American moments in my life. I missed the opening song due to entertaining duties, however I had just sat down with a fresh beer at the beginning of 'Born to Run' when I saw that the camera man had zoomed in on an exceptional rack bouncing in the front row - Yooooh! The room exploded! Bruuuuuce! Say what you will folks, but living in a country where my friends and I are free to enjoy a moment like this together in the comfort of my home - this was indeed a great day to be an American!