The best acoustic guitar recordings??

I'm looking for some great acoustic recordings. Any ideas?
The one I've been playing the heck out of lately is "Floating on the Silence," by Tom Wolfe and Gene Bertoncini. Absolutely virtuostic performances of original jazz compositions and standards. Just the two guitarists, unaccompanied. The music and quality of the recording are both first rate. Great late night stuff. In fact, I think I'll put it on right now.

As a classical guitarist of 25 years' duration, I've spent countless hours listening to recitals and performances in every conceivable venue. The most realistically recorded guitar performance that I have heard is the long out of print Sheffield Lab release #10, by Micheal Newman performing the Chaconne by Bach.
I am surprised only one entry for John Renbourne. I highly recommend
Sir John a lot
The lady and the unicorn
and the absolute best and masterpiece 'Hermit'
I also like Leo Kottke's One guitar, No vocals and Richard Leo Johnsons Fingertip ship
I would recommend Pavlo "Fantasia" Excellent CD great sonics

For latin...Luis Villages "cafe ol'e" and Oscar Lopez
Here's one I've really enjoyed: Images of Metheny by Jason Vieaux. All Pat Metheny tunes played on classical guitar. Very accomplished and wonderful! Recommended!