The Best Sounding Beatles CDs

Give me your opinions. To date, which are the best sounding Beatles CDs? I'm aware of the Rolltop box sets, the Original Master Reordings, the Japanese imports, The Parlaphone remasters...... But I have never heard a single one.

I have always listened to them on vinyl. I had the MFSL set, The Parlaphone Blue box set (My personal favorite), The Red Mono box set and several other versions. But I've never heard the CD versions.

Which CD versions sound the best?
Agree...Love cd is stellar...too bad the Beatles current catalogue on CD is not up too bout the RED and BLUE comps on Vinyl? Decent sound?
"how bout the RED and BLUE comps on Vinyl? Decent sound?"


I had owned them in Blue and Red Vinyl just to have as a novelty. The recordings (even pressed on good vinyl) were horrible.

Once again, In terms of original vinyl recordings, the Parlaphones were incredible. The MOFI Black box set (on JVC virgin vinyl) were O.K., but they were smile curved and had an annoying 60hz buzz in the background. See link below:
Yellow Submarine was given a decent cd mastering
many of those songs are improvements over the original cd release

Let it Be Naked edition was also remastered sans spector strings
I've heard people say that the Parlophone pressings are best but they must be referring to original pressings. I have some later pressings that are very harsh.

Best I've heard (and own) are German imports which I bought in the late 70's. Great smooth sound with good mid range which is key with such great vocals. In particular, Revolver and Sgt Pepper from Germany are way better than MFSL. I think MFSL really blew it when they "mastered" the Beatles albums. Imports are way better sounding.