Brandi Carlile

Just wondering if anyone has heard the new
Brandi Carlile album entitled The story. I am
playing it constantly and i can't believe this
album slipped under the radar for so many.She
is an excellent songwriter and has suprising
emotional depth for a 25 year old.Production
on the album could have been better (damn you T Bone
Burnett). Lol. However it's less noisy then Raising Sand.
It's also a much better album imho. Anyone who hasn't
heard it can check it out here:
The recording really is very poor in my opinion, and I listen to it far less than I otherwise would. I hope she will do an all acoustic version one day with someone who knows what they are doing.
She did "Raise Hell" which I have not heard before: loved it! Ok, just realized I called her "fabulous" and just said "loved it!" Use the right inflection and it sounds like that movie critic sketch from "In Living Color"!
Brandi does a nice show; when I saw her, she covered "Folsom Prison Blues" and "Madman across the Water" in addition to her own stuff. Recommended.

I like the first two discs a lot, the third not so much. My recollection is of forgettable recording quality, as others have noted.
