Jackson Browne CD's

One of my all time favorite albums ever is Jackson Browne's "For Everyman". I literally wore out my LP back in the day. But now the CD version's overall sound quality and fidelity is down right awful. Horrible sound. Does anyone know or may have heard if this CD will be digitally remastered in 24 bitstream or perhaps in HDCD? I don't have an SACD capable player so that won't work. I am unable to find out any info on the net. Jackson's two more recent CD's (I'm Alive and Naked Ride Home) sound fantastic. No comparison. Any info would be appreciated. I know it's a long shot.
Pdn - Yup I ordered 'em and yup I like 'em. I found the 01/13/2008 "street date" CDs at CDUniverse - these are the recently and (I think) much better mastered CDs. "For Everyman" is about all I could hope for, given that the source is from 35 years ago - definitely recommended (plus prices were OK given the improvements). Unfortunately, I think I may have gotten their last copy of Everyman - it's been backordered since my ship date. Sorry 'bout that...

If you're unhappy w/ the original CD sound I'd highly recommend these - it's worth the wait for these to get back in stock.
I seem to remember seeing somewhere that the Solo Acoustic discs could be "programmed" to skip the intros. I have Vol. 1 and it is very fine, but the intros -- which are admittedly charming -- wear a bit thin. Is there an easy way around them? Thx, J

PS: This IS a nice thread. Saw Jackson once, maybe late 70s or early 80s, and it was a great show. When Lindley broke into the falsetto for Stay . . . . hadn't thought of that in too long.
"Linda Paloma" from "The Pretender" is a gorgeous song on the LP but on the old original CD it was blah. On the remastered CD it is somewhere in the middle. And IMO that's the case for all of the songs on the remastered Pretender CD.

But there is enough of an improvement that I will probably buy more of the remastered CDs. Looks like I might be too late to get Everyman though.


As with any CD, one can program individual tracks, i.e., change the order, leave some out,etc. The intros are individually numbered along with the songs. Just program your CD player to play only the numbers that are songs. If you don't know how to program tracks with your CD player, read the owner's manual. Of course, there's a slight - but unlikely - chance that you have a player that doesn't allow programming. If that truly is the case, I'd highly recommend that you get one.

Hope this helps. By the way, TO EVERYONE (or Everyman : ) - Jackson is beginning a tour with his band next month. He also has a new CD (Time the Conqueror) coming out shortly. I saw him solo in April, and can't wait to see him again so soon. It's been a while since I've seen him with his band. IMHO, it's an understatement to say that he's one of the most underrated songwriter/singers around (maybe even ever).
I reconsidered him after learning that he wrote the best songs on Nico's Chelsea Girl. Before learning that I associated him with some forgettable stuff from the 80s. I agree that he's one of the most underrated songwriters around. I might have to give some of his early albums a try.